Sunday, March 3, 2013


Pittsburgh, PA

The city of Pittsburgh has seen an 80% drop in its workforce from its peak and has been a city forced to reinvent itself. I think as technology developed the steel industry in Pittsburgh declined as well.   As Technology broke down barriers of competition to the beast that was Pittsburgh steal. Pittsburgh has taken a huge hit as have many other of the heavy manufacturing  cities located in what is now referred to  as the rust belt located in the north eastern part of the united states .  
As many of the other Rustbelt cities have been struggling to reinvent themselves in the absence of the abundant heavy manufacturing jobs of the past that acted as a sort of jet fuel to the local economy, Pittsburgh is handling the change relatively well. The story with Pittsburgh I think is not just another sob story of a dead manufacturing town or of a has been city like Detroit where there are city blocks of real estate left vacant for squatters and riddled with crime. Pittsburgh has taken a proactive lead in such areas of green technology as education, robotics, financial services, and health care. It is possible that we may even live to see day where the two words Pittsburgh and steel are not so readily connected.
 I think Pittsburgh is a great example of a city that has seen the negative side of disruptive technology  and then was able to use technology to dig itself back out to be one of the more promising and technologically advanced cities on the east coast. The new economic boom in Pittsburgh’s medical technology I think is systemic to having schools such as University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University cranking out tech savvy graduates into the local workforce, calling the city home. The Medical technology sector in Pittsburgh spans from cancer research to synthetic human plasma.

Jeremy R. Squires


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